Saturday, November 27, 2010

What Are Some Chessey Sayings

Pinets II, my balance .-

The group instructed to perform the various tasks of municipal gardening. The team was composed of eight young men who came from the center, most, educational failure and problems in the family and social conditions that all mean for your school and work adjustment. This situation is not new, as this has been a constant that has occurred in all the courses that I developed in the Training Workshops: almost all students had considerable difficulties in socio-labor.

The job of a monitor in a school-workshop is an arduous task, generally unappreciated, obtained in positive experiences and of course, also negative because we are always some students who are unable to adapt to change is learning a trade. It is difficult to achieve in two years a radical change in everyone, even people with higher educational training than I possess, but as I said Christophe André, we should not complain when the shower water flows cold, but to assess when is hot, this to evaluate the goals we got and persevere to achieve those who do not reach.

During this stage the gardening workshop Pinets Els has been in charge of maintaining a large amount of parkland in the city. Comprehensive maintenance of these has enabled students to practice and work, so learn about all the technical knowledge, skills and abilities needed by a gardener to do the work independently, maintaining lawns, irrigation networks automated spray and drips, phytosanitary treatments, pruning, tree surgery, subscribers, species identification, planting, etc.

In between the amount of work done I want to mention especially the landscaping of the road that gives access to the city from Valencia and green areas of the complex Ausias March, both in the field of gardening and in the development of work forest in a nearby area.

work had been developed municipal pruning of trees, maintenance of the landscaping of the colleges and institutes, efforts to control red palm weevil pest in all the palm trees, the installation of pipes the application of insecticides in date palms and Canary Island, and the creation of a zone Magro riverside green. They also have different areas of trees planted. But not only has been to this course in practical work and real work.

Of course you've been there where we have needed, always with a smile and desire to do well, such as in the work of gloom and pruning of large numbers specimens, especially pine, the wind blew. This work took several months, especially in the pine forest because of urbanization were hundreds of pine trees that fell on each other, making this work very CUMPLICE of perform. Is grateful for the assistance of council gardener, Vicente, in many of these works, also that of the company's technical Landscape, George Lever, who has also worked with us in other areas. My thanks to the two from here.

On paragraph formation, during the two years I have wanted to convey the knowledge they the most practical way possible, through different practices and work performed. I trabajdo the motivation of students through knowledge of the trade, and not only in this field notebook, which have been popping up articles related to gardening, but also from this window I have tried to motivate students, with constant allusions, exploited by some and forgotten, unfortunately, by some. In this regard I have tried, not without difficulty, to inculcate social values \u200b\u200bto my students, while recognizing the efforts of the components of the workshop, so have published photographs of the various studies that have intervened.

They have also known that it is more about gardening, demonstrations by industry professionals. Specialists different companies have shared with us their knowledge, as an example, members of the Mediterranean Landscape we have attended during abatement work trees, to tell the process of making them. Also Gical company, taught us the landscaping of the green from a nearby wedding hall known and even allowed us to practice palm access through the use of the bicycle.

But beyond the classes taught, the importance of companies Sthil, Honda, Husqvarna have agreed to spend a morning learning with us, showing us everything on the machine, its operation and use of protective equipment.

also prepared a new activity, a training day that we call "one morning in the tree", shared with the Trades House Alginet. Burriana company and mower Burjardí Thai Andani, shared a morning of theory and practice with us about the module tree and shrub pruning. Thanks Oscar and Tais for your disposal and want to get your little world to students.

We also had the fortune to share a morning training in the Botanical Garden of Valencia, where Joseph and Marta Plumed English Association of Arboriculture, showed us every corner of this beautiful place, also my colleague Jose us delighted with your knowledge of arboriculture, what an enormous source of information!.

Enrique Llopis also visited us, giving us all the information about the studies have been conducted with the nematodes in the fight against the red palm weevil in this chapter attended a talk by the Generalitat Valencia, Maria del Pino to mind about the terrible destroyer of palm trees. We visited the company premises Coval, where José Galiana taught us the whole battery of your company distributes material, visit the workshop, the exhibition of machinery and garden and of course the store, where checks and distribute personal protective equipment Spain.

appealing also to the Eliana, school monitors and taught us the technical facilities of the town council led us happy for the town's main park, explaining how it developed design and construction. We have also made visits to nurseries and gardens, which serves to recognize different species that are not in Carlet and see how it works in these places. We have also visited the Royal Gardens, Jardines de Monforte, Cauce River Turia and Garden Ayora. The latest was a visit to Iberflora, that although it is no longer what it was, it's always fair to not be missed.

Finally we held a successful day of tree growing, both in attendance, such as speakers and content, entitled Control Strategies Ferrrugineus Rynchophorus integrated, thanks to the hard work of students during that period, we managed to carry out this day, as the organization of the meeting coincided with a further stage of work by the workshop. To this day hundreds of people attended both the workshop school world as illustrious professional gardening and landscaping, coming from different places over the country, scientists and technicians taught us more about the implementation of this strategy.

I do not think the result has been little accomplished, but I'm incorformista and I intend to next time in which they enjoy teaching, to overcome this bar to achieving new targets. Thank you all.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Can You Wash Ballet Shoes

Sakuteiki project, THE NATURAL GARDEN .-

Japanese gardens have been the object of desire in Western culture since the first Iberian sailors set foot on this land. The Japanese art of garden design has a history of about 1300 years. The Zen inspired dry landscapes certainly have a fair reputation, but are not the only nor the first, long before they appeared, Japan was already well developed gardening aesthetics.
Zen would only add new aesthetic dimensions .

The Sakuteiki is the oldest written that explains how to plan a garden. E t is based on a wealth of practical experience in landscape gardening, although it is already
was practiced earlier in Rome and China. From a careful reading of Sakuteiki, Tachibana Toshituna (1028-1094), shows that the Japanese had mastered the principles of landscape gardening, developing his own style by creating ponds, and small clusters to represent the sea and islands and mounds to represent mountains. . It is based on Feng Shui, universal art of balancing and harmonizing the flow of natural energies in the environment to create beneficial effects on the lives of those who practice it.
Thus, if the objects were arranged in a way that is not correct, was a symbol of bad omen. Shinto, in turn, spread the belief that the world is full of spirits, and that they live on rocks, water plants so that, not to unleash his anger, he had to take extreme care and attention to these elements.

The Japanese considered the world's imagination as you create it. No distinction of self, dreams and madness. The universe is constantly changing, in a continuous process of creation and destruction, life and death. Nothing is static, nothing stays and as the clouds change shape and the stars the sky, and move the mountains and valleys, but too slow to appreciate what the human eye. According to an ancient tradition, two major forces opposite is revealed in this ongoing process, the yin and yang, each pole representing sexual. Each landscape element belongs to one and therefore has a sexual attribute. The ideal landscape is the product of the balance of both.

These gardens, stripped of all luxury, seduced by the clever combination of rocks, shrubs and sand, reflecting the sensitivity of the Japanese and their love of nature. The groove of water that simulates the course of a river is highly appreciated because it brings the garden the feeling of the valley, while the rocks buried to more than half its volume allow for greater naturalness of the mountains.

Thus, Japanese gardens meet the goal of serving as a place of meditation where humans can interpret what he witnesses in his own way, concentrating the energy into your spirit.

In the Western world, attempts to copy this form to create and gardening. However, the mere aesthetic concerns seem to have these replicas do not have at its source: in Japan, easy decoration is shunned, is rooted in religious beliefs and seeks a magical harmony with the environment and natural elements.

The rocks are powerfully symbolic elements, so the choice of stone must be undertaken carefully. Must have artistic forms, but the important thing is to know how to exploit the natural advantages of the chosen rock using, for example, flatter in making waterfalls. Regarding the provision of flowers and plants, there should be plenty of beds and floral motifs. The flower must be a touch of class, because otherwise divert visual appeal. A sober and visually scenic garden is the secret of elegance.

The importance of water
Water is one of the main elements in the oriental gardens, and should give the feeling that flows from the vegetation. The well-known as "sansui" were great gardens that could go boating, sailing the creek water or artificial lakes with islands. The pond was the center of attention, so that the entire garden design revolved around, and although this is not necessarily found in the middle, they occupied a privileged place.

In lakes, it is extremely important place by the penetration of water, usually in a cascade, which should be a point of interest where to focus attention. In addition, can not be entirely desirable from any point of the garden. Waterfalls are one of the characteristics of such gardens, as they introduce the sound and movement in the overall design, complementary to that of the wind in the trees and foliage.

And, of course, also related to water, are the bridges, the most characteristic being constituted by a single slab of stone or of substituting a cheaper material and less noble wood. The islands are also used to create visual interest in other sites. There are also dry gardens, replacing the water through the gravel, marking in these natural forms, simulating streams, etc. The stones that stand in groups are more or less, the islands where the elect rest in peace. Are rocks which are particularly important and fundamental concept is that of balance, balance implicit asymmetric shapes and patterns, the balance between shapes and colors, water and foliage, between empty and full.

Fuentes. Nippon magazine. Text: Tadashi Yokoyama. Japan. The Empire of the Rising Sun. Collcutt, Jansen and Kumakura and Mixmail course.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Verses For Male 21st Cards

Despite the pressures, despite the hostility, despite the intolerant ... CCOO progress in the English Court complaint

19/11/10.- CC.OO. get a very acceptable result in this union elections of 2010 in El Corte Inglés, though small for the work and behavior that we deserved. For the CCOO union section, an increase of 30% representation in this process is the culmination of nothing if not the beginning of another stage which is characterized by the consolidation of the new locations where we have come and extension work electoral and affiliates in other centers where we have presence.

not forget the deficit and lack of democratic freedom that characterizes the company and its leadership, which undoubtedly plays a role in the election results and that discredits the majority union representation Phasga yellow unions and prophetic.

CCOO, with delegates, with representation at schools and companies, work and launch their trade union, to improve living and working conditions of workers and to preserve their rights, of which have supported us and those who do not.

Toilet Cruising For Gay Men



March 8
The CCOO manifest on the occasion of International Women
Working stresses the need to strengthen public policies and social
to remove barriers that prevent or hinder
real equality between men and women
. Barriers related to social and professional position held by women
, major differences persist
in the labor market
both quantitative and qualitative comparison to men.
In 2010, female unemployment increased, and women
unemployment rate reached 20% (over two million of unemployed
). If three years ago
female unemployment rate was twice that of men, in the last year the men have located a few
tenths of women, as the crisis has affected
more forceful than male-dominated sectors and collateral
the feminized. This situation highlights the precariousness and segregation
structural and historical work
of women in situations of cyclical unemployment of men
. In addition, women
double male rates to remain on the job search because of the double
discrimination by sex and age, having more difficulty
access and promote job retention and increased
in the long-term unemployment .

social protection and pensions
CCOO still reported differences
remuneration and temporality experienced by women, which directly affects
social protection. Of the total of unemployed people receiving unemployment benefits
, only 40% are women,
with a daily average amount 15% lower than men
also more precarious working conditions of women
Every March 8, International Women's Day
Workers, CCOO claimed
Equal Opportunities between women and men with
order to eradicate the discrimination that women still

in different areas of life, but a more marked is reflected
in the world of work and social protection
. A March 8 this year
takes place in a context of economic crisis and
which coincides with the recent signing of
pensions, an agreement that strengthens the contributory,
and both equity and fairness of the system, and
introduce new initiatives to improve race
short listing, which mostly affect women
(part-time work, temporary, long-term unemployment,
difficulty of access to employment in middle age, etc.)
added to interruptions in their career to the care
daughters and sons and family, affect access of the
women to social protection and pensions.
In that sense, CCOO assesses the social and economic agreement for the
growth, employment and pension security, because
improves contributory pension for women,
to keep 15 as a minimum period
access a contributory pension, the time considered priced
three years of leave to care for sons and daughters
, and award up to two years of trading for the White
periods in working life caused by the care of sons and daughters
, for the calculation of futuras.pensiones. These measures
positive action is needed to correct discrimination
suffered by women in the labor market.
Moreover, CCOO reiterates its rejection of the labor reform
approved by the Government, far from creating jobs, is contributing
to devalue further, limited job guarantees.
The union denounces the decline of public investment-related measures
equality between women and men
as the abolition of the aid of 2,500 euros for the birth or adoption
and the postponement of the expansion to four weeks
paternity leave. Finally, CCOO complaint
the unwillingness of political parties and governments to promote structural changes that favor

real equality between women and men. Proof of this is the disappearance of
some public bodies and institutions related to the
equal treatment and opportunities between women and men, both
state and regional level. In this sense, the abolition of the Ministry of Equal
set back
gender policy and a break with the commitments that mandated
governments to addressing the issues of equality. Carmen Bravo

Sueskun. Confederal Secretary
WOMEN "Women are the most vulnerable to the crisis"

"Women are the most vulnerable the economic crisis, not having the same opportunities, both economic and labor than men.
More women are unemployed and for longer, and they have an insufficient social protection due to the inequality experienced in employment, both in their access, such as promotion and tenure (women mostly take jobs
temporary, part-time) and who earn lower wages than men for equal work.
Today, of more than 4.2 million people are unemployed, nearly half are women, who, besides having a higher unemployment rate than men, they have the same coverage by unemployment than men.
Coverage female unemployment protection is more than 21 points below the male
, and this is the result of who have not contributed or have generated less tax
rights because of the insecurity and suffering employment discrimination. " CCOO

CCOO is not limited only to the complaint and demand for more equality, but that works to combat distriminación against women in all areas, with proposals and actions directed mainly to
boost the use of quality in a more egalitarian model of production (in access to employment, promotion, training and retention, and salaries) and to improve their working conditions. CCOO
's commitment to promote equality between men and women, leading to different trading desks duty to negotiate plans and measures in the companies, giving effect to the provisions of the Equality Act, and ensuring
in union elections a more women as candidates, as well as in the areas of representation and negotiation. CCOO
continues to promote measures, both at work and socially, for the life and times of work are shared, while reconciling work and family life of women and men.
also CCOO combating gender violence and sexual harassment against women, and to move towards a more just, equitable and democratic to remove areas of discrimination, poverty and violence in different parts of the world
. Women still missing out on all labor market indicators.

Participate in events and demonstrations that will be convened on the occasion of March 8

As every year, CCOO commemorates the International Day of Working Women with meetings, events, exhibitions, lectures, rallies and demonstrations throughout the State denouncing the discrimination and obstacles to real equality between men and women, claiming more empleoy highest quality to create a more just and egalitarian society.
(More information

Harold And Kumar Pictues

CCOO Carrefour interference in the electoral process against union freedoms

17/11/10.- FECOHT - CCOO condemned the interference in the electoral process in Carrefour, in this case the Director of Carrefour Hypermarket in the area Levant, send an email with the sharp order, that all managers have to vote FETICO so they do not lose a single vote, with the possibility for those free to operate the postal vote.

For Antonio Ruda, FECOHT communication secretary, "is unacceptable that in the XXI century it still coercing the freedom of association by employers and companies in which the yellow unions are a department of the company itself," throughout this year we have noted in different concentrations in department stores lack of freedom of association. "

Carrefour's management has confirmed the information and assumes it is true to the authenticity of this mail but adds that "this goes against the policies and rules of conduct of the company and identify responsibilities." Antonio Ruda added "we should not tolerate such attacks and should carry, as we always have, with all the legal avenues available to fight this, but the damage is already done and this process and have confidence that this flawed, it is clear that democracy in these companies stayed at the door. "

CCOO spokesman believes that "the polls have the final word in these acts and it is time that workers change union representation at last," CCOO denounced to the English public organizations such intrusion, and and before the international committee.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Do You Go Tanning Before Or After Eyebrow Wax

" Why CC.OO. not presented to the union elections?

Friday, November 5, 2010

How Much Restoril Can Kill You


in this post I give you a letter I had sent the French scientist Michel Ferry. friend and collaborator of the Escuela Taller Els Pinets of Carlet and thanks to the implementation of integrated control method proposed and mechanical sanitation we managed to save several hundreds of palms, as you observe exemplary in the attached photo, but the work has not just begun, as you know, the only weapon against the terrible insect is consistency in the application of treatments.

now to enlarge the problem, given early indications that Paysandisia also extends along the banks of the River Magro.

is sad walk anywhere in Valencia and see how it stands now. In the city of Valencia, where I live, the pest has established and colonized hundreds of palm trees, not only outside but also in the city center. Particularly serious is the situation in the neighborhood Nazareth sea and in different districts such as Algirós.

Talar palms affected by the red palm weevil has been, both in Spain and all European countries, a measure introduced by plant health services has had catastrophic consequences, with more than 100,000 palm trees destroyed, over 100 million euros spent in a totally useless, a pest that is most widespread and uncontrolled than ever.

It took much effort and about five years to convince the plant protection services to change strategy.

The problem is that the authorities responsible for the eradication of this plague, which have been so severely mistaken, consider now, not officially say that this pest is established. Accordingly, they have stopped contributing to poverty eradication. Provided no serious help to the municipalities, or individuals or nurseries who want to save or protect their palms.

Worse, broadcast that the pest eradication is impossible, when all the experts would say that this scourge is no other choice but to eliminate it if you want to save the palm trees. To say that you can live with this pest or prevent its spread, has no meaning in the European urban context, with an insect that has found a palm, Phoenix canariensis, which does not oppose any resistance, which is capable of killing in a few months after use as an incubator where they multiply at high speed. Or remove or removing the palm trees will remain.

With its technical position seriously wrong, most of these authorities are not able to properly advise people or institutions who want to save your palm trees. In fact, not only are able to provide advice but do not want to disseminate information on techniques and strategies to be taken to eradicate this pest. This information goes against its strong position to consider this pest as well established and take off all responsibility and justify his inaction.

The consequences of this behavior is not spread technical information are correct and serious professionals capable of applying all the techniques of an integrated strategy for eradication. The training courses offered by the government often are too superficial to be real professionals in integrated strategy for the eradication of the pest. Its objectives are to train on a strategy that makes them uncomfortable, but appear to act.

Unfortunately, you can see in many municipalities because of incomplete information, strategies and treatments are inadequate. For because of these errors, the results will be bad, the money has been wasted and the palm will die. Within these errors, we can stress that is expected to stop the spread of the boll weevil traps only barriers. Traps are effective only when used within an integrated strategy for the eradication of red palm weevil.

Another recommendation concerns such errors or obligation on the Limitation of pruning a few months of the year. This recommendation has been repeated endlessly over the past five years, often defended by so-called experts of the palm trees y publicada en folletos por la mayoría de las administraciones. En realidad, se constata que la poda constituye una herramienta imprescindible para detectar de manera precoz las palmeras infestadas. La realización de ventanas de inspección, que implica recurrir a la poda en cualquier momento del año, ha sido adoptada en varios países europeos como una medida obligatoria en las zonas infestadas. Una palmera recién podada va a atraer más a los picudos pero estos no aparecen por generación espontánea. Son picudos en desplazamiento que, con o sin poda, hubieran infestado nuevas palmeras. La poda no aumenta el número de palmeras infestadas y no facilita la infestación. Además si se tratan las palmeras después de la poda, weevils will die when they try infested, which will help reduce the weevil population in migration.

As an example, the booklet just published by the municipality of El Campello, and constitute a new case of failure of the containment strategy weevil, demonstrates the difficulty technical errors in combat have become clichés: the demonized pruning, the presentation of terminal symptoms early symptoms rather than the absence of any reference to the art of cleaning up the palms Infestas recovery and, moreover, the reference to the totally useless and expensive grinding of the logs. It is noted that the advice which benefits municipalities is totally obsolete.

In all the municipalities that want to save their palms, scenic and historic heritage value should be organized urgently practical and theoretical courses training in this integrated strategy.

In the absence of national government or regional ones, which nevertheless have a legal obligation to eradicate this pest quarantine (which also has entered and has been broadcast in Spain due to a very serious technical error), the European Commission is ready to respond very quickly requests for assistance to eradicate the pest. Malta for example, has secured funding in nine months. Municipalities that want to save your palm trees as well as individuals and professionals must join together to form a common front that would require that the rules applied at last legal obligation to eradicate and urgently requested European financial aid.

Hands. You can save the palms, but we must act with determination and a strategy based on techniques that have proved effective in eradicating the boll weevil.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Exchanging Canadian Coins

Ecoinnovation MICHEL Gardening and Landscaping .- Mechanical and Sanitation

This interesting paper by Maria José Pintado gives us an insight into the new fields that may include public and private landscaping in relation to the ecological perspective of innovation in the sector. Materials uploaded to Portal Adient, rescued him and hang up because of his interest .-
View more presentations from Paul Esparza .

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Y.s. Park Hair Brush Wholesale

Therapeutic pruning palms with red palm weevil .- (For Tania)

a previous post to inform a reader of the book. Walk by Carlet in luck. All Canary palms affected by red palm weevil on which action was taken by mechanical sanitation resprouted and we managed to save these magnificent examples of death and also by removing damaged tissue, worked to eradicate the pest. This technique, which you can find more information in the pps previous posts, has been particularly widespread by Phoenix Station of Elche, with the help of Susie Gomez and Michel Ferry, to which you refer in case of need for consultation.

A half-congratulation, as the canary becoming scarce in the area, the date trees start dying and the trachycarpus say that between weevil and Paysandisia, are eating.

These operations, for which I already had spoken in the past, if done in time, and time, the winter is bad time, "this is in the early stages of colonization by the weevil, is effective and can save our palms. Yes, indicate that these operations must be performed by professionals, never get in your palm of either hand. Who made this technique should be aware of the morphology of the plant, knowing the right time to intervene and be very proficient in the use of a chainsaw and corvellón, if not done properly can cause irreparable damage to the plant meristem avoid the re-sprouting.

After sanitation operations is essential to be very sharp with the treatment of insecticides and especially the fungicide (fosetyl-al) , which prevent the formation of decay in cavities produced by the weevil and the same way the plant will provide more protection when fosetyl a regenerator itself. We will also consider the possibility of keeping pages, if they are not affected, provided the plant-sprouting may not always be. In some cases we decided to cover the entire ball of the palm, especially in times of high rainfall, so protect it from fungi.

lot we had to study and work on this insect. The result of this study that I have been counting on the blog we have achieved good results. Encourage them because we are facing one of the solutions to the problem , not to mention the treatments in frequency due, which as you know in time of flight can not exceed a month.

PD Tania I leave my e-mail for any query that you can help:

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Tailbone Injury Again

the height of absurdity

The hangover from the 29-S strike to the surprise of and strangers gave us a "pearl" of the direction of the company at the center of ECI Nervión, whose content is not wasted.
The day thereafter, a few minutes before the store opened to the public general public address system sounded a voice on behalf of the address, he congratulated all personnel in the performance of free legal right had reported for work on the day of the General Strike. Then noted in a display of complacency that only three people had supported the strike throughout the region at ECI
From DC Union Section. OO. this center, we have no choice but to label the message as cynical as Kafkaesque. The first because it seems that the school management has forgotten that the democratic and constitutional rights workers disappeared from ECI ago whopping 32 years. And second, that those few who were also seconded free exercise right not to work with the added value of running in a place where freedom to choose does not exist.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Unbearable Pains In Pregnancy


The workers of Stores reread again stunned the business departments pamphlets and prophetic Phasga issued by the Employer. While the government has betrayed the working class with the brutal cutting of rights has been carried out with the labor reform, unions in the company, we are blamed for everything that has happened to the CCOO and UGT have not reached an agreement with the Employer. Can you imagine that we would be saying if we had signed the reform?. Or even worse, do you imagine would have happened not in the negotiating table instead of the CCOO and UGT have been Phasga and prophetic?. Better even imagine.

Partners, it is important to know that at the negotiating table we had with the employers, most of those who held talks with us were the ones who negotiated the Convention Department Stores, ie the ANGED. Matiz important as many of his proposals are exactly the same as in our Collective Agreement signed Phasga and prophetic in its role as traitors to the working men and women. In the collective bargaining agreement approved almost all of the claims of the Employer: loss of salary for the first three days off, deregulation of the day, wage increases of 1% and no wage revision clause; Staff Complement freezing, etc. In summary, FETICO, ANGED FASGA and caused the crisis in the department stores should pay the workers long before the government approved the Labor Reform, now the employers wanted to extrapolate to the rest of the working class of our country. So we said NO AND HAVE CALLED A GENERAL STRIKE.

Fortunately for workers in this country and prophetic Phasga not paint anything or have any representation. If we take it out of commerce, and specifically of the English Court, no one knows or has heard of these "unions." There are other areas of production where there is another culture union and where they would face if it appeared to Gorraz their workplaces. Union can not call the workers calling for resignation, the union is considered apolitical and does not advocate social policies: retirement, health issues, education, public pension system, etc., But of course Phasga and prophetic is not a union, while others are defending the rights of the working class they are with their doily to stroll through the shops and threatening staff to not support the strike. Labor Reform

This lowers the dismissal, the reasons for the dismissal wide target of 20 days per year and is generalized to all workers and workers (From now the company is more profitable to dismiss an employee with 25-30 years of seniority than a temporary-a), left defenseless workers who fall ill (also fire if you will a period of 2 months needed for your job for being sick on the day 20% -10 days-) does not end with the temporary employment. In short, is a blank check for employers and their claims to increase profits at the expense of cheaper labor costs. Is a direct path to job insecurity for all-as workers, whether permanent or temporary.



Witty Save The Date Saying



LEGAL REQUIREMENTS Prior to the submission of the agreement to strike, and
accordance with the national agreement
Conflict Resolution and its implementing regulation, has been exhausted
attempt mediation to the SIMA. The notice has been communicated to the President of
Government, the Minister of Labour and Public Administration, the
corresponding organs of the Autonomous Communities (Chair, Working
and Chief Executive competent staff), the Federation
English Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP) and most representative business associations
The strike notice meets every
formal requirements required by law and is sufficient to guarantee the legality of LA4
strike throughout the state level, given the representativeness of trade unions
summon it, and does not require other requirements or agreements
Express workers. This is the approach which the Courts have declared unnecessary
individualized notification, firm by firm,
when a strike within a sectoral or general, as this
"not only impossible in practice call for general strikes or sectoral
but meaningless in view of the purpose of the notification
(STC 13/86, 30 January).
The call covers the exercise of this right to all the workers and officials
from 0 hours on 29 September 2010., Up to 24 hours a day
generally. However, companies that
have several shifts, the start of the strike was conducted in the first
turn, even if it starts before the 0 hour 29, and its completion will take place
once the last shift , although the period until
24.00 on day 29. Likewise, those companies that have a single shift, but it starts
0 hours before the 29th, the strike will begin at the starting time of work activity
and end on September 29 in the time
conclude the same. Moreover, during the day on day 28 will cease in their work and
civil service workers and professional staff whose performance is related
with the development of products, services and supplies that will have immediate effects on

Relationship Counter Blog



LEGAL REQUIREMENTS Prior to the submission of the agreement to strike, and pursuant
in the national agreement
Conflict Resolution and its implementing regulation, is exhausted
attempt mediation before the SIMA. The notice has been communicated to the President of
Government, the Minister of Labour and Public Administration, the
corresponding organs of the Autonomous Communities (Chair, Working
and Chief Executive competent staff), the Federation
English Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP) and most representative business associations
The strike notice meets every
formal requirements required by law and is sufficient to ensure the legality of LA4
strike throughout the state level, given the representativeness of trade unions convened
it, and no need for other requirements or agreements
Express workers. This is the approach which the Courts have declared unnecessary
individualized notification, firm by firm,
when a strike within a sectoral or general, as this
"not only impossible in practice call for general strikes or sectoral
but meaningless in view of the purpose of the notification
(STC 13/86, 30 January).
The call covers the exercise of this right to all the workers
and officials from 0 hours on 29 September 2010., up to 24 hours a day
generally. However, companies that
have several shifts, the start of the strike was conducted in the first
turn, even if it starts before the 0 hour 29, and its completion will take place
once the last shift , although the period until
24.00 on day 29. Likewise, those companies that have a single shift, but it starts
before the 0 hour 29, the strike will begin at the starting time of work activity
and end on 29 September at the time of finalization of the
same. Moreover, during the day on day 28 will cease in their work and
civil service workers and professional staff whose performance is related
with the development of products, services and supplies that will have immediate effects on

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union protest against the opening of a Opencor in Bilbao

25/10/10.- CCOO. UGT, ELA y LAB han reiterado frente al Ayuntamiento y el Corte Inglés su negativa a la apertura en domingos y festivos. Acusan al consistorio de "alimentar" la necesidad "no real" de la apertura del comercio durante todos los días del año. "No estamos en contra de que se abrán nuevas tiendas, pero si estas aperturas pretenden no respetar lo que durante años de lucha, nos tendrán enfrente".

Delegadas and delegates from trade unions cuatrro protested against the opening day, the month of December, by El Corte Ingles, a hypermarket with Opencor-time 18 hours in Bilbao. Have reported that the City of Bilbao "feeding" the need "not real", to maintain shops "open every day and almost 24 hours a day" and recalled that it "is not the first nor the last in which large chains like El Corte Ingles will use any excuse to start a lively opening. " "They are willing to take every opportunity to begin to open on holidays."

For unions, the "excuse" this time is that a Opencor trade is a "convenience" that is "supposedly eximidodel compliance Shop Hours Act," an "excuse" that "does not apply to workers of Commerce."

"Experience has shown that it is completely dispensable opening on Sundays and holidays, and there is no reason to reason to change this situation and open beyond the purely economic and commercial interests of some retail chains, have been secured. The aim is to "create a need that does not exist" because the Basque society and the citizens of Bilbao "not demand more openings" because with the current schedule is more than enough. " Unions say

who have maintained "a strong position in this matter" and not "allowed" any trade opening on a Sunday or holiday and more than 12 hours a day, believing that "there is a need to be covered, but is a step backwards in the working conditions of employees "of the sector.

"We're not against opening up new stores, but if these openings pretend not to respect what years of fighting, we will face," warned.

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The prevailing fear within the walls of ECI is something that workers have been suffering for more than three decades, the same time we have to suffer the imposition departments of the company union and FETICO FASGA.
It does not take a whiz to realize that since the existence of these unions, which curiously out of large areas are completely unknown, the loss of rights of workers grows so huge. As shown, there we have the latest collective agreement that we signed the ANGED and their related unions FASGA & FETICO:

1. Discounts for three days by IT

2. The impressive rise in salary during their term.

3. Imposition of times "Chinese" we have suffered. etc., etc.

etc ... We believe therefore that it is obvious that to change our fortunes are workers who have the responsibility and obligation to take the works council to a "union" absolutely harmful and counterproductive to our interests. Otherwise our passivity and makes us complicit with our vote we grant leave to represent us knowing that we sell. Are made as objective as tangible to which we refer to simply read a small fragment of a sentence for firing at the center of Nervión incidentally, in which a judge thought well of them:

The defendant company (ECI), supports two unions systematically related to the company, supported, encouraged by the company as trade unions FASGA (Federation of Trade Unions Department Store) and FETICO (Independent Workers' Federation). Thus, the company channeled through these unions the "improvements" offered to workers, encourages them and membership rewards "affinity" of such unions to the company through economic promotion and professional development of its leaders and members, como canaliza su política de personal………


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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

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The right to strike, an unquestionable right FIRST

The right to strike, along with freedom of association is enshrined in our Constitution as a fundamental right
unquestionable, enjoying a pre-eminent and
greater protection to freedom to work. However, in recent days we are witnessing a shameful and malicious campaign to discredit
unions from the political right and the media, with the intention
undermine the image of the CCOO and UGT and weaken the support he is receiving the call for general strike
29-S by the workers of this country. As clarified by the lawyer
Interfederal Cabinet, Enrique Lillo, "it is wrong to identify the right to work as the right to
not to strike. Moreover, who does not join the strike is not protected by the Constitution, although
say otherwise, knowing that a lie. "

To read the full article click copy and paste the following URL:

Monday, September 20, 2010

How Will You Put Stayfree

The tree did not believe in himself .-

The previous post talked about students who have succeeded and those who do not have failed to achieve, they have not succeeded because they have not been able to believe in itself @ s, in its possibilities. As now I care more recent than those who have reached the goal, you do get this Power Point to make them think.

The tree did not know
View more presentations from Paul Esparza .

Saturday, September 11, 2010

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Student: Choose the right way .-

The teaching aspect will always find joy and slaps, but for that we are. To rejoice in the success and correct, attempt to correct, while we are present, negative events. We entered and in the last section of the formative stage of Pinets Els students, it's time to evaluate what has been the progression of students and that are available to meet the challenge of access to employment.

If you are of those who took advantage of the opportunity, luck and just the same way. If instead you're left in the lurch, you're off the train, then I reflect attempts to correct anything that led you to find yourself in this unfortunate situation is never too late, yes, do not forget that when a person ends a stage of their life, whether personal or work it is best do so with their heads held high, so noble, because you never know who or what may need tomorrow.

If something I intend on learning the end of my pupils, who have learned not only skills and abilities, but also attitudes and in the latter, the end of a cycle has to be marked by a stately farewell, whether positive or negative results, as they mark this formative experience in their future job skills. I will not elaborate further on this post, I think those who read, fully understand what I write.

PD certainly wish it was over in the same way it began.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

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An input expected participation (for instructors and students) .-

Since I began my career in the Training Workshops, I have always been in favor of combining the version of teacher, mentor, friend and companion of my students. Maybe my experience as a student in this type of training led me to take this kind of (difficult) relationship.

Over the years, various events, one comes to realize the complexity of the mission of a School Teacher Workshop, eight hours a day for two years, with the students, sharing work , classes and practical activities.

What attitude should take a monitor to avoid problems that can arise from trust gained over time?.

" Pr ofe or friend? A natural dichotomy l. Is an entrance of a teacher on the internet, young teacher who is now on the other side and has recently his role as student. In this post he commented that "I have always found is natural and even good to have that gap between teachers and students, that is cool but to some extent. Is that you know what happens?. You can not maintain a relationship friendship real with someone whose mission is to qualify you and eventually rajarte. Reprobarte, says.

I no longer speak of real friendship, rather than as a student to reach that differs significantly from those who can attend college. L workshop school students I have always had a special profile, we had to get very close to them to understand and be aware of personal or social difficulties that are sometimes present condition and this paragraph more logical a mentor to a foreman. This effort is not always rewarded with uneven results. That together with a result that is based on work motivation and thus monitor the student's willingness to change is the new learning.

Once in the field is time to talk about different situations that occur throughout the two years of theoretical, practical and real work. Different situations involving a monitor by the ever-demanding position, but different to students in each, and which I think are different and that we must make clear at the beginning of the course to avoid misunderstanding by part of students, especially by students who can not understand the difference between a person who teaches both work and spread knowledge about a particular trade or how to act in a work environment.

monitor does not have a two-sided, no. Now chief, now a professor. He lives each situation differently. Always monitor the student will require the most, but not of the same demands in the classroom, workshop or in the real workplace. In the real work is easier than if the student is not inclined to physical exertion (If the office as I'm concerned), or fails to comply with a proper attitude and willingness to pass what the teacher told us that I mentioned before: If I "get professional" is possibly because you do not meet, you irreponsable or want to abuse the confidence to approach you.

then as part of the debate which I hope will open in the comments I'll stick to what advice the young teacher university gave its students. I hope all this give rise to various views that will enrich the input.

along well. Studying is a huge opportunity and we must seize it. Maybe get along with a teacher can make you earn future aid or general respect for teachers. Eye, the teachers talk to each other. And of course, may not have many issues in common except for their students, so they probably talk about you. One speaks of "good" and "bad." A guy who happens unnoticed just going to be ... that. Part of the mass. Know your limits. Getting along is sometimes remain silent.

Being a teacher is giving a man a great power. And with great power comes great responsibility. Shall I tell a story? Once I got some work, some print and banded, others with square brackets, but almost all sorted. And of course, also received three leaves loose, with no indication of name. What are they thinking? I was glad to put them a ZERO on that evaluation. I do it with pleasure. A teacher always hides a sadistic inside. Do not be easy.

All in all, a point that I need to clarify is that I feel good that if you think I'm in a error, tell me. Correction or revision. This work with a lot of people can cause I am wrong. I have heard from teachers who do not accept checks. This is rubbish. I can be wrong.

Participate in class. I will thank you. It may be a story you had in a film, may be a question. Do not know how incredibly good it feels to ask questions and I can answer based on my experience. That armemos dialogue. Because in the end is that true learning experience, rather than the "I talk and you listen." A participatory class makes me want to give more to come and make something entertaining. If you are formal, I can be more.

I'm smarter than you. Well, hell, something I'm the teacher and you the student. I know that you are trying to copy, I know that you bring your little effort. If I try to go for a ride, I'll know. And I'll qualify that in mind. If I pass a working copy of another semester or material that have not happened, I'll know. I have no eyes in the head, it's just that I went through all this. There is everything in the vineyard of the Lord. Maybe I care little to copy, because I know that's not avail you in the future, there are other things that matter. I know that if you send me an email and not accompanied by proof that he had to attach, may also be bad intention and I will qualify. It is almost a silly but try to be a good student. So, I could be who you hire in the future.

Excuses, excuses. What's yours? "I was late because I live far" does not work. Actually I got the point to me any excuse is good. The one that interests me "work and study." So is the only respect in reality. It happened that he had pupils that fail, they told me "hey this is unfair," but the work is heard in a group and I have no guilt ", or any thing unless it is your fault. That is a moron, I have to blame for who fail. No it is not the thing well. Assume your responsibility. Think twice before saying something is "unfair." Or better, "study twice" before saying that I I have to blame your bad grades. Excuses, excuses. In short, think your excuse for almost anything you tell me you will serve.

Teaching is the mother of all battles. I always said that the banner dence is a war. To educate is to be too idealistic, but few are. I have been in a couple of assemblies of students Arcos y escuchar idioteces como “el profesor está acá porque le pagan y hace su pega y se va” . Bueno… sí pero no. O sea sí, es mi pega, pero este trabajo es ciertamente especial, tiene muchas aristas que lo hacen diferente, enriquecedor y motivante. De tí depende que levantarme todos los días sea más agradable y que no tenga que usarte de ejemplo con mi novia y amigos para mostrar lo perdido que está el mundo. Peleemos como caballeros.

Porque siempre piensa que tu victoria va a llegar el día en que te conviertas en alguien como yo .

Finally I stress that can be interesting and enriching the text, as well as my comments for a debate about which is more positive teaching position to shape the future employment of students. A greeting and I hope you all had a good holiday.