Sunday, March 7, 2010

Custom Monopoly Board

Manifesto March 8, 2010

union confederations and the Union CCOO General Workers
before the conclusion of the March 8, International Women's Day working,
reaffirm our commitment to the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women and we balance
a year marked by economic crisis and its adverse employment effects, with an alarming increase in unemployment-
increasingly feminine and inequality
important gaps concerning health care and unemployment benefits.
Despite the heavy destruction of male employment, women still have less
rate and a higher unemployment rate than men. Women also with the people
young people and immigrants, who bear the greatest job insecurity and wage inequality
, thus receiving smaller amounts in unemployment benefits, because
labor inequality is precisely what makes women vulnerable people
to the crisis economic. UGT and CCOO
we are actively working on the recovery of Social Dialogue,
considering the reactivation of the economy has room for changes and adjustments
but in no case can be an excuse to ignore discrimination or inequality. It requires an approach to gender
help in combating the persistent inequality measures hacia un empleo
de calidad con derechos y mejoras en la protección social.
Así mismo en el actual contexto laboral continuamos impulsando la negociación de medidas y
planes de igualdad en el marco de la negociación colectiva, respondiendo con contundencia a
las alarmas ante la desigualdad, ya que es preciso afianzar y reforzar los derechos de igualdad de
oportunidades entre mujeres y hombres alcanzados hasta ahora.
CCOO y UGT valoramos positivamente los avances normativos que en materia de igualdad se han
producido en España. En 2009 se aprobaba el RD 295/2009 que desarrolla la Ley de Igualdad y
por el que se regulan las importantes mejoras introducidas en la acción protectora de la Seguridad Social
(maternity, paternity, risk for pregnancy and lactation, absence, quotes
reduced hours for child care, etc.) Accounting
a breakthrough for women in the workplace integration and responsibility, in this
sense particularly value the positive reception of paternity leave. UGT and CCOO
also believe that the adoption of Bill for
interruption of pregnancy and reproductive health, is an advance in respect of
autonomy of women and their right to decide and gives greater legal guarantees for women and
professionals. While
despite these advances, UGT and CCOO
want to say that the goal of true equality is still far from reach: it is women who bear
more precarious contractual, temporary and part-time
little recognition of training received, wage inequality and more difficult to support
time living and working as a decisive influence on his work
retention and promotion.
is imperative to act both at work and socially, so that times of
life and work are shared while reconciling work and family life of women and men
. It is necessary to remove barriers to the implementation of the Law Unit, as
needed to advance the achievement of women's autonomy and strengthen public investment in social infrastructure
-in our country so far from the European average for
childhood education and care for people dependent.
be strengthened by promoting equality policies necessary changes in social values \u200b\u200band attitudes
awarded to men and women who contribute to greater awareness and
intervention in the prevention, treatment and eradication of all forms of violence against women
including sexual harassment and gender harassment in the workplace. So
CCOO and UGT follow the same demanding greater participation and representation of women
in different areas of public and private decision, which enables social
balanced representation between men and women, ensuring the presence of women especially in the areas
representation and the collective bargaining process that will reinforce the commitment
association with the policies of equality.
In Europe, UGT and CCOO expect the English EU presidency in the first half of 2010
, make visible their effort and interest to move towards workplace equality between women and men
, incorporating transversely gender mainstreaming in the various subjects addressed
. Special interest is the assessment and monitoring of the objectives of the Beijing Platform
, issues relating to gender violence and the wage gap.
From the European Trade Union Confederation are participating in the European Year
Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion, denouncing the plight of millions of people
living in poverty risk. Also
campaigns actively support the International Trade Union Confederation
for decent work, decent life for women and gender equality policies and agreements
In the next assessment by the UN in the 15 years of implementation of the Platform for Action Beijing
urge the responsibility of individual countries to reaffirm and strengthen their
commitments to the elimination of strong gender inequalities and
the terrible situations of violence against women that persist in the world. CCOO and UGT
wish to express our support and solidarity with the victims of the recent earthquake that has devastated Haiti
well as the most forceful rejection
armed conflicts persist in the world and have terrible consequences on the civilian population and especially
in women.
The Secretariat for Equality of UGT and CCOO WOMEN, call the
participation of workers and workers and the population as a whole,
various events and demonstrations held on the occasion of 8 March,
for reiterate our commitment and responsibility for achieving the necessary
progress towards a more egalitarian, just and democratic.


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