Thursday, August 12, 2010

Can Low Blood Sugar Cause Diabetes

Studies, work, or do nothing?. Catalonia eliminates youth training workshops .-

This is the unfortunate politics Catalan about the future of the kids who are in a desperate situation, uneducated and jobless. Schools Workshop, which became the only possible way to prepare for finding a job is finished, also also ended the possibility to continue exercising for those teachers and instructors who are responsible for providing various materials in these centers of training alternating with employment. A pity, since this field notebook I want to make a protest against this unfair and inconsistent decisions.

As cited the newspaper La Gaceta de Intereconomía, young people are one of the groups that most are suffering the devastating effects of this crisis. The latest report of UGT, along with its youth faction UGT of Catalonia, Avalot, indicates troubling data.

In just 3 years el colectivo de jóvenes con edades comprendidas entre los 16 y los 24 años que ni estudian ni trabajan se ha incrementado hasta un 51,3%.

La secretaria de Política Sindical, Neus Munté, declaró que durante el pasado año “un total de 154.000 jóvenes de 16 a 24 años no tenían ningún tipo de itinerario formativo y tampoco realizaba ningún tipo de trabajo reconocido”. Esta cifra representa un 23,1% del total de la población de los jóvenes en esta franja de edad.


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