Sunday, March 13, 2011

8 Letters How Many Possibilities Of

A PART 2 farewell to the Nintendo DS - Best Pokemon games

Es increible como vuela el tiempo cuando te diviertes! El Nintendo DS cumplio en noviembre del año pasado 6 años desde su lanzamiento oficial en America. 6 AÑOS! eso es mucho tiempo y parece que se fueron en un respiro. Bien, pues estamos a poco menos de 14 dias de que el sucesor del Nintendo DS, ese hermoso sistema de soble pantalla, salga a la venta. El Nintendo 3DS promete mejor poder de procesamiento, graficos 3D sin lentes, y doble pantalla... claro, eso ya lo habiamos visto, y para muchos, ya no concebimos juegos portatiles sin una doble pantalla que haga algo mientras jugamos...

El Nintendo DS es posiblemente la mejor cosa that happened to Nintendo in years. A huge risk after the failure of Nintendo Gamecube, now is a sales phenomenon, such as Nintendo Wii systems that promised to break with what we knew as traditional games and the ways in which we played until that day. Yes, one can argue that the PSP has more power and a wider screen, and Dissidia Final Fantasy (the best game there is in addition to the DS!), But nothing ever equaled the huge library of quality software that have Nintendo and its licensees created ... at least until we see what Nintendo is capable 3DS as the year progresses ...

Well, today I spend more time with my Nintendo DS to the PS3, or Wii or PSP to ... but as is that possible? I'll tell you like ... in the next few days talk a little about the best games of my collection of games that have made Nintendo DS the phenomenon it is today, that has revolutionized gaming franchises, games that have changed the conception of what the game is portable, to see if you guys illiterate and undecided, decided one day be a Nintendo DS, to see what has been lost in the last 6 years, 6 years have certainly changed my opinion of gamers.

DQ has always remained true to its Eastern roots. Turn-based battles, high difficulty, the dragon ball design and stories of good versus evil, with slight variations ... but on the way to Dragon Quest IX came out this gem in the decade of the 90's and after almost 20 years, his remake for Nintendo DS. What makes this game so special compared to other Dragon Quest? Easy. Its history.

Dragon Quest is the fascinating story of a little boy (you) who travels the world with his father, a strong and determined fighter. Together they have adventures always under the eye protector Pankraz (your dad). Sure, from time to time as the small adventures of their own, like the time I came in with his little friend Bianca to a haunted castle to solve a mystery. But why travel? nomas may not roam the world because if ...

The story gives a tragic turn when his father dies and the little boy is made into a slave. 10 years pass and escapes. As an adult decides to find out who was seeking his father. Meet strong allies, because it has a capacity to befriend monsters and make them join him in his crusade. The young man marries (the game lets you choose your wife), and the couple is engrossed in a search for the world Zenithia team, the legendary hero weapons to use to end an evil that is getting stronger increasing and threatens to destroy the world.

The story continues to progress, like the weather. Parties are Zenithia team, but very much to your regret, you can not equip. You discover that your father was a king of a prosperous kingdom, and leave it all to go to find his wife, who was kidnapped by demons when they were born. Take the throne, your wife has children (a pair of twins), but the tragic twists do not end there. Demons abduct your wife, and are separated 9 years ...

And when all seems lost, your children, a skilled with magic, and the other a swordsman who can equip the legendary team of Zenithia come find you and determined to find his mother and step finish to discover the mystery where is your mother, that your father went to look years ago ... And to think that you were never the hero of the story, if not one of your children ...

Jebus, nomas remember that story makes my scalp inChina. The way in which the script takes you through all these years, you see your avatar to grow throughout their childhood, youth and adult life is a feeling that few games have given me the power to see the final bittersweet is unmatched, while The curtain closes one of the best stories in the history of ever and whatever. Who cares that its graphics are not as DQ8 (DQ8 would already have the story as this game), DQ5 is the perfect example of what a huge thing for RPG fans, believable characters and environments, growth and development themselves, and original script, which bring up all the feelings that a human can display.

Good for Dragon Quest 5, one of the best RPGs of all time no doubt and Nintendo DS exclusive.

CASTLEVANIA: Order of Ecclesia
Like the previous game, Castlevania has remained one of two ways without much change, the first and least popular 3D game, a combination of Zelda with Devil May Cry, with some platforms. The second most popular (thanks to the legendary Symphony of the Night), known as Metroidvania, which is 2D and is to find upgrades that will allow your character to move to locations previously inaccessible to the Metroid (obviously). Well then

Order of Ecclesia is in the second type of Castlevania games. Now those with control over Shannoa, an attractive young woman who has the ability to absorb powers of the enemies in the form of symbols called "Glyphs" and make them yours. Want a sword? glyph! want a Fire magic? get the glyph! want to summon monsters to help you? surprise! there is a glyph for it.

There are different types of glyph for each action, and 3 types of swords, 3 types of ice magic, summons, transformations, and others that top it, you can combine with each other to unleash powerful attacks glyphs. The possibilities are endless, and it'll last many hours to get them all.

portion of Metroid continues to exist in this game, with lots of new areas to find and discover as you gain the skills typical of Castlevania, as double jump, the ability to swim, fly and others ... and it is best that you are not confined to Dracula's Castle all the time, now there are different scenarios for which Shanoa will have to move to reach the castle of Count ... and once you reach the castle you will be surprised, since it is no small or easy to complete (have fun finding all the secret rooms !)...

addition, the difficulty is quite high, so make sure you keep you busy a long time.

Personally, I've only been a fan of Castlevania Symphony of the Night. The exploration of 3D games is too forced in my opinion, and classic games (Dracula X, Simon's Quest, etc) are too frustrating ... and since I'm an RPG whore, the combination of exploration Zeldezca, touches of Metroid and the ability to level up my character and equip new weapons is a dream come true. Yes, there are other such Castlevania (all Nintendo systems), but for me this is the best. Definitely well worth looking for even 2 years after its release. ******************

here by this day, I will continue soon. Dissidia talking about 012, finally leaving tomorrow on the PSN demo Americana, Dissidia 012 (Duodecim) Final Fantasy Prologus, which enjoyed two scenarios, one of Kain, one of Lightning, different modes of play (where you unlock items you can go to the full set next week to go on sale) and unlock as Aerith Gainsborough Assist in the full game ... what more could you ask for? All for $ 3 am March 15! TRAILER TIME



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