Sunday, November 21, 2010

Toilet Cruising For Gay Men



March 8
The CCOO manifest on the occasion of International Women
Working stresses the need to strengthen public policies and social
to remove barriers that prevent or hinder
real equality between men and women
. Barriers related to social and professional position held by women
, major differences persist
in the labor market
both quantitative and qualitative comparison to men.
In 2010, female unemployment increased, and women
unemployment rate reached 20% (over two million of unemployed
). If three years ago
female unemployment rate was twice that of men, in the last year the men have located a few
tenths of women, as the crisis has affected
more forceful than male-dominated sectors and collateral
the feminized. This situation highlights the precariousness and segregation
structural and historical work
of women in situations of cyclical unemployment of men
. In addition, women
double male rates to remain on the job search because of the double
discrimination by sex and age, having more difficulty
access and promote job retention and increased
in the long-term unemployment .

social protection and pensions
CCOO still reported differences
remuneration and temporality experienced by women, which directly affects
social protection. Of the total of unemployed people receiving unemployment benefits
, only 40% are women,
with a daily average amount 15% lower than men
also more precarious working conditions of women
Every March 8, International Women's Day
Workers, CCOO claimed
Equal Opportunities between women and men with
order to eradicate the discrimination that women still

in different areas of life, but a more marked is reflected
in the world of work and social protection
. A March 8 this year
takes place in a context of economic crisis and
which coincides with the recent signing of
pensions, an agreement that strengthens the contributory,
and both equity and fairness of the system, and
introduce new initiatives to improve race
short listing, which mostly affect women
(part-time work, temporary, long-term unemployment,
difficulty of access to employment in middle age, etc.)
added to interruptions in their career to the care
daughters and sons and family, affect access of the
women to social protection and pensions.
In that sense, CCOO assesses the social and economic agreement for the
growth, employment and pension security, because
improves contributory pension for women,
to keep 15 as a minimum period
access a contributory pension, the time considered priced
three years of leave to care for sons and daughters
, and award up to two years of trading for the White
periods in working life caused by the care of sons and daughters
, for the calculation of futuras.pensiones. These measures
positive action is needed to correct discrimination
suffered by women in the labor market.
Moreover, CCOO reiterates its rejection of the labor reform
approved by the Government, far from creating jobs, is contributing
to devalue further, limited job guarantees.
The union denounces the decline of public investment-related measures
equality between women and men
as the abolition of the aid of 2,500 euros for the birth or adoption
and the postponement of the expansion to four weeks
paternity leave. Finally, CCOO complaint
the unwillingness of political parties and governments to promote structural changes that favor

real equality between women and men. Proof of this is the disappearance of
some public bodies and institutions related to the
equal treatment and opportunities between women and men, both
state and regional level. In this sense, the abolition of the Ministry of Equal
set back
gender policy and a break with the commitments that mandated
governments to addressing the issues of equality. Carmen Bravo

Sueskun. Confederal Secretary
WOMEN "Women are the most vulnerable to the crisis"

"Women are the most vulnerable the economic crisis, not having the same opportunities, both economic and labor than men.
More women are unemployed and for longer, and they have an insufficient social protection due to the inequality experienced in employment, both in their access, such as promotion and tenure (women mostly take jobs
temporary, part-time) and who earn lower wages than men for equal work.
Today, of more than 4.2 million people are unemployed, nearly half are women, who, besides having a higher unemployment rate than men, they have the same coverage by unemployment than men.
Coverage female unemployment protection is more than 21 points below the male
, and this is the result of who have not contributed or have generated less tax
rights because of the insecurity and suffering employment discrimination. " CCOO

CCOO is not limited only to the complaint and demand for more equality, but that works to combat distriminación against women in all areas, with proposals and actions directed mainly to
boost the use of quality in a more egalitarian model of production (in access to employment, promotion, training and retention, and salaries) and to improve their working conditions. CCOO
's commitment to promote equality between men and women, leading to different trading desks duty to negotiate plans and measures in the companies, giving effect to the provisions of the Equality Act, and ensuring
in union elections a more women as candidates, as well as in the areas of representation and negotiation. CCOO
continues to promote measures, both at work and socially, for the life and times of work are shared, while reconciling work and family life of women and men.
also CCOO combating gender violence and sexual harassment against women, and to move towards a more just, equitable and democratic to remove areas of discrimination, poverty and violence in different parts of the world
. Women still missing out on all labor market indicators.

Participate in events and demonstrations that will be convened on the occasion of March 8

As every year, CCOO commemorates the International Day of Working Women with meetings, events, exhibitions, lectures, rallies and demonstrations throughout the State denouncing the discrimination and obstacles to real equality between men and women, claiming more empleoy highest quality to create a more just and egalitarian society.
(More information


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