Monday, February 28, 2011

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H. Cordoba See February 26, 2011 / Sub. Area Cordoba / 30 / a Zone Veracruz / In the strength that gives them exercise, the Sub Group Córdoba area, walked about 12 kilometers from the drive miles to the camp of machinery, with his backpack and supplies to back, since Saturday and Pernot there until Sunday, after entering the cave and prepared their food and tents with routine implements as part of his teaching of survival.

The boys washed their dishes, prepared his clothes and learned to appreciate what is generally at home have always at hand, without costing them anything, each tortilla, carrying water, enjoying nature and peace and harmony, away from the comfort of home.

camps within the PDMU are activities that serve to to joining the group and strengthen the brotherhood of its members, this time the youth of steel made the first camp of the year, marching in the park May 21 at 10:30 am, accompanied by Municipal Transit elements who were escorted to the outskirts of the city to start their own then to New Spot ¨ Amatlán, congregations across Millán, Cuauhtémoc and Rio Seco, to reach the site above.
The tour lasted about 7 hours and despite the blazing heat, nobody showed any weakness, the cheers and chants encouraged all young people to strengthen their moral and not give up.

The activities were to teach staff how to make fire with natural materials, guidance, how to make natural tents, talks on climate change and survival.

this camp was attended by a section of staff in charge of the 2nd Infantry Officer Cadet, Oscar Luna Vázquez. More information on the PDMU Blog: CAMP

Sunday, February 27, 2011

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Base Price for the Creator of Green Spaces .-

New Base Price Landscaping is an effective tool for carrying out measurements and budgets, and a portal for consultation prices, work units and direct links to manufacturers.

Base Price Landscaping, is a database specialized in project and construction of urban public spaces, parks and gardens, treatment, and landscape restoration and, in general, all kinds of activities, both urban and natural.

Here you also can also find several sections, including work by Pedro Tejada Palacios, forester and member of the English Association of Parks and Gardens, of which he was president, which presents extensive work that gives us the keys necessary to undertake a project of contemporary and modern parks, which highlight the potential to soothe, refresh, satisfy and inspire the soul of man, the way the church and the temple, placing public park above the rest. A complete work that will be of great utilididad to write our future projects.

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And from now, what happen to the red palm weevil and our palms?.

Despite what I say is unfortunate not want to create alarm, but make an urgent call to the prevention and of course action by both public and private, with the collaboration tools available to us today.
Unfortunately I could not, nor I, nor any of the attendees, leave the meeting happy Phytomer at the University of Valencia. More of the same, was what we all commented. Meanwhile, the situation is becoming more chaotic and the weevil continues to invade areas beyond the Mediterranean littoral coast and even to cities such as Zaragoza. This is not me talking, but was quoted in the meeting.

official figures are frightening palm infested dead. 20,000 copies in five years in Valencia, a figure that with your permission I venture to multiply by 5, since the figures are estimates by the regional government, which is impossible to count all those property owners who have been cleared , left to die and still standing or cut and so ruthless abandon any nearby ravine.
the absence of scientific consensus or new miracle to determine an effective solution, which was evident in the meeting and is not something new for those who work in this field, the solutions did not lead to anything new, rather than, and is not enough, the parties involved to agree that sanitation pruning mechanical or therapeutic the palms and the combination of all previously known methods (insecticides, entomopathogenic nematodes, fungal and traps) is a tool to eradicate this pest.

So much for the little new, apart from monumental anger of the nursery and the struggles between different companies or entities to achieve better market their products or saving machines palm.
And now, what will happen with our palm red weevil?.
Although I will say it is regrettable not want to create alarm but make an urgent call for prevention. and of course action by both public and private. I had the opportunity to see date palms lying about the attacks received by the weevil in them, Washingtonias pierced at its base, phoenix canariensis holes in the stipe at an unusually seen so far, a few meters above the ground , or palm Trachycarpus (Chamaerops humilis, our native palm, like the accompanying photos), dead after attack beetle. Is to get to tremble because they are not only our historic palm trees or ornamental heritage, or even as our natural heritage (palm). Security is another issue that people should keep in mind, especially those that serve public entities, and that begins to show that the murderer weevil attack without mercy to all our monocots once established in the Canary Island date palm (which are .) falling leaves or a flange of a palm tree is dangerous, but tear down the stipe to the ground, he did not think and you have gone.
Also launched several questions that I am not able to answer:
  • How long we will be polluting our environment with pesticides?
  • How long can we use them, after learning that the European legislation tends to the gradual reduction in shareholders' using them for biological control?
  • sanitation Can we performed continuously or therapeutic pruning the units that are affected despite the treatments, because the majority of individuals still do not act?
  • How long will continue tapping the palm trees to make the application products?, Will they be able to endure much longer these operations?.
Public safety is also threatened. We can not wait to take urgent solution encompassing all involved. We tried to save them at all costs, but alone will not be able.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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Pruning of why to how. With Google Books. Comieza

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

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Duodecim Dissidia Final Fantasy: UPDATE 16

Ladies and gentlemen, I give Gilgamesh! Tired

Gilgamesh !!!!! Lyrics

soon I hope:)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

What Are Hard Cheeses


Earlier this year in all collective agreements are reviewed salaries, applying the arrears if the previous year's actual CPI is high and rising applying this year. So is being signed in all sectoral agreements, where trade unions are signatories to the agreement class.

stores in the situation is different, so the signatories of the Convention have set a wage increase for 2011, and have looked for and applied rates by 2% on base salaries, obviously not on a year-ons and so on until the end of the agreement, remain frozen.

In 2010 base salaries of department stores rose 1%, finally the CPI real is 3%, but the absence of wage revision in the collective agreement does not receive the arrears or salary increase that amount. So workers in department stores have lost in 2010 to 2% of purchasing power.

This means that a person working in this sector of the professional group, has lost at least € 275.39 in salary, this amount must be added as supplements have not risen.

This sacrifice workers in the sector are underway, the labor departments of companies (Phasga and prophetic), signed him to maintain employment in the sector, jobs to be becoming less and less in companies and can be seen not only data, but also visiting different workplaces noticing how tight they are the templates. We must also take into account the impact it is having on businesses that hire, merchands, promoters, that due to adjustments of the companies also are laying off workers.

After all this, the question arises BENEFITS TO WHOM THIS AGREEMENT, the answer will be the signatories to the agreement, because we are sure everyone is that workers of stores NO.

In short, we have upgraded the tables to the actual CPI, 2010 without giving arrears, which we are de facto, with a wage increase of ZERO Patatero for the year 2011.

Friday, February 11, 2011

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Secret of Mana - Review

Secret of Mana is for some a classic of the era of 16 bits. Show off gameplay for 3 people so I think at the time a game like no other. Today, nearly 20 years after the creation of the game I have much to say about the title, not very good.

But like all old games are re-released years later, the verdict depends heavily on your overall experience with the game, and both have knowledge about how certain style games have evolved over time. My specialty in this case are the RPG and since I've been very close to the way they evolve, SoM does not have me very happy.

This is a weak point for the game today. SoM is currently available in two ways: On virtual console for a price of 800 wiipoints (8 dollars), or Apple appstore, where the game is compatible with iphone ipad, at a cost of 90 pesos mexcanos. I decided to play on iPhone that I prefer my RPGs lately notebooks.

One would think that the graphics would be altered so they will enjoy the game more. In the case Virtual Console you know that never happens. In the case of the iPhone, were added reflections of sun and clouds in the water and puddles and high-resolution images of the characters in the menus. Wait

them only slightly retouched sprites, the same effects Piranhas 20 years ago, and hopes that your weapons on the map do not change but the best. It's sad really, because the sense of personalization disappears quickly when you realize you made an effort not to please the players a little more demanding. It cost them to make the armor (there are about 10 types throughout the game) actually saw on the map ... or weapons, which are an important element of battle system (obviously) always look the same.

There is much difference between keeping the traditional and laziness, and in this case is 100% slack!

I can not say that the enjoyment of music. A variety of online albums with the music of the game, official and unofficial, and all very good. What is the pretext for SE to improve or the least bit the soundtrack? The number of beeps and boops on the soundtrack is annoying, but I must admit that some songs (the bosses and the final fight) stand out from the rest of the tracks. Seeing him

a positive side, the songs are quiet, and as there is music change music battle map you have all the time in the world to hear issues, I'm sure in 1990 were very good. And I'm not saying that the OST is bad, just that laziness for not wanting to improve it to lose many points.

Gameplay This is where the game shines for 20 years. It is an action-RPG turns, a strange hybrid that has managed to keep the fun factor despite the passage of time and this is something that should be recognized. The way to fight is free, walk through the world and face enemies in your path, which can attack with the action button, which will make your character you control at that time (3 possible) draw his gun.

By attacking a percentage meter will appear under your character's face (at the bottom of the screen, where it appears the HP of your monkey too), and task brings them quickly. You can attack while filling, but the damage will be minor. If you expect to reach 100% damage will be normal again. Besides that, you can call a menu of actions in a ring, with which you can use items (immediate use as long as you're not being attacked) or magic (offensive, defensive and healing).

The magic is governed by MP, and the exhaust and you can not use them. The spells are obtained in the course of history. Find ghosts who will join you, and your two minor characters (a girl and a sprite) gave 3 magic to everyone. The girl is based on defensive and healing spells, and the sprite is offensive magic used exclusively. Obviously they are important in the game and not get very far without them.

The magic level up as you use them more. The spirits gain levels by the magic associated with them ever more powerful. In the final levels is important to have at least a couple of ghosts at the highest level to ensure an easy victory. Fortunately the system level up your magic is not broken, making it very natural. Play normally and eventually you'll be almost the maximum required level with the spirits and the other at a level not so contemptible.

is worth mentioning that the magic you get a small window of invincibility, both for the wearer, as for the individual, so While measuring your time to prevent attacks that could put you in check by invoking these spells (at least for me, in the last battle that saved me.)

weapons on the other side are the most important of the game. You start with a sword, but eventually you will get more types, to boomerangs, spears, bows, whips and stuff. Some of these weapons use in the field to advance, as the sword that cuts weeds, or the ax to cut stones and logs, or the whip to help you reach distant places to use as a rope.

Weapons can be modified, this means leaving orbs are in the heads or chests. The orbs along with a modest amount of money can be changed to bring them to the Watts blacksmith. Increase its power. That's not all, as your characters increase the skill to handle weapons, which also increases your hit% (possibility of a strike at an enemy attack) and the full power of attack. It is also very natural, and looks up normally at the highest level your weapons without enemies grind.

The gameplay is so well balanced that you'll rarely feel overwhelmed by the amount of enemies. If you have a slight problem, I can not let go without criticism. The inventory system is very limited. It lets you load only 4 items of each type, and that in the last dungeon is unforgivable. But as I said, the game ends that way, so it is not an impediment to finish the story. In

Finally, the gameplay remains fun after year. There is a hack and slash RPG, not a tactical RPG. Rather would class as an end in the light Zelda adventure, and with more focus to the fight.

The Tree of Mana is the force that cares for the planet. His energy lives in all living beings the same, animals, people, plants. But the power of Mana is weakening and the rule is trying to get their hands on the strength of Mana, to start a new reign of terror.

You're a boy from the small village of Potos. A day out with some boys from the village to a nearby waterfall, and accidentally falling from a considerable height. Upon awakening a strange voice called your name. Near you is a sword stuck in a rock. Take it and go back to the village. When do the monsters have invaded, and even with your help and the sword you manage to drive them away, you are expelled from the village by removing the Mana Sword of the rock, and in doing so condemn Potos.

precencia A soldier tells you all go to the Water Temple. When you get a woman who lives there tells you that the seals of the Mana tree seeds are breaking, and according to legend, you, the Mana Knight must travel to all places where the seeds are Mana and protect the seals at all costs order not to let the Mana Fortress is reused, and with that, the world falls into ruin. Sounds

Interestingly, I know, but the story is very poorly told. I understand that 20 years ago, and no fix or the graphics or the music is one thing, but DO NOT FIX THE SCRIPT, that if it is unforgivable. Something as simple as improving the lines of the characters to add meaning to what is happening should not be difficult, and most importantly, must be done to make your game does not feel like the dubbing of a preschooler. Just so, Mana happened to be a disaster talking about history and what a shame, because the plot twists and revelations end (besides the last fight) are very good, and because of that waste. Conclusion

I can say many things about Secret Of Mana, almost all bad, but let me state again, is not the game itself is bad, but Square Enix laziness that you're getting into the product, give the impression that they are not even trying. I've seen scripts for other native iPhone games are better (Zenonia 2) and popular phrases used geeks like LOL, LMAO, PWND and others, music updated and more detailed animations, so why not Mana? For this and more, I can not recommend the payment of 8-9 dollars, but I understand it was a great game 20 years ago, nor why.

Secret of Mana: 6 / 10
+ Good fighting system
+ Good Leveling system of magic and weapons + Get
Money is easy
+ iphone The autosave is useful when you're getting calls
"It's the same game 20 years ago
limited stock-system-Guion

Prelude To Tokugawa Prelude To Tokugawa

School Workshop III .- Els Pinets

resume contact with the Field Notebook, following a period of absence, and what better way to do so to communicate the continuity of the training center. With the times, it is a privilege to be part of this group, both teachers we teach in school, and the new students who will have the opportunity to learn over two years, skills and knowledge of various trades related to the environment.

This time the workshop, gardening and forestry work is composed of twelve students, mostly with some work experience, but low level of education, which will hopefully get your step increase Pinets Els.

already started the first activities, both theoretical and practical. We started with the identification of ornamental species and morphology in the theoretical and knowledge en de las herramientas y las primeras actividades de mantenimiento de jardines, limpieza de arriates e incluso podas de aclareo en arbustos. También dentro de los módulos de infraestructuras de jardines, hemos aprendido a realizar zanjas, hoyos de plantación y colocación de bordillos y traviesas. Todas estas actividades que realizaremos durante seis meses desembocarán, si son aprovechadas por los alumnos, en un contrato de formación con el ente promotor de dieciocho meses más.

Durante este periodo los alumnos se irán acercando a la realidad del mundo laboral, convirtiéndose esperemos en profesionales, pero también y no menos importante y lo cito de esta manera, mejores personas. To do this have an important team will guide you to the target, of you guys your success or failure depends to this challenge that presents itself in your life, challenge as is the labor market would be a crime to miss. Dedicate your will, effort and desire to improve every day, is the best advice I can give here.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

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Duodecim Dissidia Final Fantasy: Dissidia UPDATE 15

Empyreal Gameplay Paradox FTW!

Speaking of the stage, is a completely flat with a glass in the middle. In the Omega version of that scenario the glass will absorb your BP if you get too, and add to the BP stage. If you cause damage to the glass with your attacks there is a chance that you get the BP at the time. Speaking of Prish , fighting his way is through the'm just linking skills to do that in FFXI is called Skillchain, where a sequence of successive successful attacks leads to new attacks and these new ones, and so to trigger a more powerful attack at the end.
On another topic, the scene of FFVI, Phantom Train was also, is said to be very narrow, the seats are destructible. There is no way out of the train, but the camera if you quit, and the walls are made transparent in order to appreciate everything from a better angle ... I will not bother, after all Square Enix Gilgamesh gave me, but I also wanted a character in the 6 ... even so, you can not have everything in life.

be updated again in Dissidia page 012, adding to Shantotto Prish and both representatives of the Cosmos, both of FFXI Online. Was added in addition to the EXMode and 3 Shantotto suits, the first additional Prish suit, which is nothing but a recolor of their normal attire. In addition, Laguna, Tifa and Vaan are presented to society with his third suit, President Laguna, Cowgirl Tifa Vaan and Tactics A2.

More music for your ears. Leaker is the new soundtrack for FFXI, XII and XIII. Of XI do not know: Iron Colossus, A Realm of Emptiness and Heaven's Tower. FFXII (hold): Dalmasca Eastersand, Golmore Jungle and (GASP!!) Battle for Freedom (The final fight of FFXII and FFXII Revenant Wings! OMG!). FFXIII: Hanged Edge, Steep and Nascent Archytle Requiem. Can look on youtube so they know what they are.

official game box to America was also at last ... and I have only one complaint (well, two, because the characters are too tight) ... that Square Enix fucking fucking fucking America is committed to cover the breasts fucking fucking fucking Cloud of Darkness!?!? It is a suck and a blow to the traditional art of Final Fantasy! ARGH!
Anyway, I think that's all. We are a little over 2 weeks of release in Japan, so even expect much news. There will be a character even more for advertising? The wait is killing me!