Sunday, June 20, 2010

Guinea Pig Bowels Compacted

dramatic turnaround the company did not infringe Article 14 OF THE SPANISH CONSTITUTION GENERAL STRIKE

After eight years of being reported to the Labour Inspectorate discrimination that women workers in our company suffer because they are women, the Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia has ruled that CC OO had reason and our complaint has admitted that conforms to reality, condemning the Court English for career advancement discriminate the companions of the enterprise.

The ruling confirms that there is sufficient evidence in the percentages that have arisen from different work places, in relation to men and women in the categories of managers and technicians, on the one hand, and another group of professionals.

Thus, if the company's global workforce, women are the largest share, has no logic in the highest echelons of the structure of it, women are a ridiculous percentage. With the provision of documentary evidence and the testimonies of the trial, we demonstrated the existence of discrimination indirectly in the career of the companions, and also because wages.

Worst of all has been the test, just four days before trial, as the yellow "pointed" to the car. But not to defend their own colleagues, but to demonstrate in court that they did not agree that is claimed to El Corte Ingles.

time at which this decision is limited to the years 2003, 2004 and 2005, which are identified by the report of the Labour Inspectorate. Just then it started to negotiate the Equality Plan, signed in May 2008.

If this statement serve to advance the Plan Equality, welcomed the outside, but we fear that the direction of the English Court will not change its course, as we have demonstrated with the signing and implementation of the latest agreement.

it worth it all, and especially all the companions of the company, we took note of what are those FASGA and FETICO, supporting the company and deny the existence of discrimination, such as signing agreements that we have "given "not getting wet with the arbitrary application of absences from work because of illness, changing schedules, lowering commissions, and so on.

And all because they have a majority in the committees. This statement also gives us the reason, now more than ever that we must drive them from the committees in the upcoming union elections. CC OO

Since I call on you to participate with us and us to change this situation and to demand that the direction of our company that respects each and every one of the people who work in it. Da

step, do not hesitate Affiliate to

What Type Of Bra Is Best To Wear With Small Boobs

union elections at the English Court of PAMPLONA:

Yesterday, June 29, 2010, union elections were held in the center of the English Court of Pamplona, \u200b\u200bwith a spectacular turn as to the composition. The result was as follows: UGT 6 (+4); CCOO 3 (+1); Phasga 6 (-3) prophetic 2 (-2), which reverses the color from a 13-4 in favor the yellow passes a 9-8 in favor of unions class.

These results make it clear that workers, and where there is freedom to choose candidates, unions are inclined to class, taking a toll on the corrupt company unions for their unconditional submission to the employer and its shameful support for this cut workers rights, as they have done in the collective agreement and modification agreement day. CCOO

representation will work on the central committee of Pamplona, \u200b\u200bso that it advances the rights and dignity of workers, which is the task that we have mandated workers who voted for us, and that from here thank you, with a firm commitment not to disappoint. We encourage

workers from other centers to follow the example of Pamplona, \u200b\u200bas it is the only way to advance our rights and working conditions and not lose what little we have left today.

Purple Stretch Marks On Breasts

general attack on sales commissions


The VAT hike, which came into force on 1 July, has brought the first widespread attack on the wages of workers in El Corte Inglés in commissions per sale.

The Company has notified the Committee not meet Intercentros, and preventing CCOO reject the change in rates or rates of commission in force, to reduce them through the following regulatory factors:

Departments affected by the change in tax 7% to 8% regulatory factor 0.99074074

Departments affected by the change in tax 16% to 18%, ratio controller
This downward revision in the rates of commission per sale, they do so under the agreement to amend the year 1987, which was "well attached" to the implementation new taxes, would not be part of net sales, for the purposes of determining the basis of calculation. This modification

working conditions in the compensation system was at the request of the Company to avoid legal claims that at the request of CC.OO. had won, and for which the English Court was ordered to pay the average commission during vacation periods, employees applicants.

CCOO won the right to receive the average of individual committee on holiday, and the Company and its departments Phasga & prophetic union with her "indecent majority," we stole it in the works council. Is not that sound familiar?.

Twenty years later we still suffer from the irresponsibility of workers with the support they give to these yellow unions, allow our working conditions are exclusively in the hands of employers, who have no scruples to use every means within their scope for even more precarious wages of workers in hard times.

The measure, besides being an absolute racanería anticipates the storm of the new system modification sales commissions.


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