Friday, February 11, 2011

Prelude To Tokugawa Prelude To Tokugawa

School Workshop III .- Els Pinets

resume contact with the Field Notebook, following a period of absence, and what better way to do so to communicate the continuity of the training center. With the times, it is a privilege to be part of this group, both teachers we teach in school, and the new students who will have the opportunity to learn over two years, skills and knowledge of various trades related to the environment.

This time the workshop, gardening and forestry work is composed of twelve students, mostly with some work experience, but low level of education, which will hopefully get your step increase Pinets Els.

already started the first activities, both theoretical and practical. We started with the identification of ornamental species and morphology in the theoretical and knowledge en de las herramientas y las primeras actividades de mantenimiento de jardines, limpieza de arriates e incluso podas de aclareo en arbustos. También dentro de los módulos de infraestructuras de jardines, hemos aprendido a realizar zanjas, hoyos de plantación y colocación de bordillos y traviesas. Todas estas actividades que realizaremos durante seis meses desembocarán, si son aprovechadas por los alumnos, en un contrato de formación con el ente promotor de dieciocho meses más.

Durante este periodo los alumnos se irán acercando a la realidad del mundo laboral, convirtiéndose esperemos en profesionales, pero también y no menos importante y lo cito de esta manera, mejores personas. To do this have an important team will guide you to the target, of you guys your success or failure depends to this challenge that presents itself in your life, challenge as is the labor market would be a crime to miss. Dedicate your will, effort and desire to improve every day, is the best advice I can give here.


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