Friday, September 24, 2010

Do You Wear Underwear Wrestling Singlet

union protest against the opening of a Opencor in Bilbao

25/10/10.- CCOO. UGT, ELA y LAB han reiterado frente al Ayuntamiento y el Corte Inglés su negativa a la apertura en domingos y festivos. Acusan al consistorio de "alimentar" la necesidad "no real" de la apertura del comercio durante todos los días del año. "No estamos en contra de que se abrán nuevas tiendas, pero si estas aperturas pretenden no respetar lo que durante años de lucha, nos tendrán enfrente".

Delegadas and delegates from trade unions cuatrro protested against the opening day, the month of December, by El Corte Ingles, a hypermarket with Opencor-time 18 hours in Bilbao. Have reported that the City of Bilbao "feeding" the need "not real", to maintain shops "open every day and almost 24 hours a day" and recalled that it "is not the first nor the last in which large chains like El Corte Ingles will use any excuse to start a lively opening. " "They are willing to take every opportunity to begin to open on holidays."

For unions, the "excuse" this time is that a Opencor trade is a "convenience" that is "supposedly eximidodel compliance Shop Hours Act," an "excuse" that "does not apply to workers of Commerce."

"Experience has shown that it is completely dispensable opening on Sundays and holidays, and there is no reason to reason to change this situation and open beyond the purely economic and commercial interests of some retail chains, have been secured. The aim is to "create a need that does not exist" because the Basque society and the citizens of Bilbao "not demand more openings" because with the current schedule is more than enough. " Unions say

who have maintained "a strong position in this matter" and not "allowed" any trade opening on a Sunday or holiday and more than 12 hours a day, believing that "there is a need to be covered, but is a step backwards in the working conditions of employees "of the sector.

"We're not against opening up new stores, but if these openings pretend not to respect what years of fighting, we will face," warned.


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