Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Modern Cutting The Cake Songs

The right to strike, an unquestionable right FIRST

The right to strike, along with freedom of association is enshrined in our Constitution as a fundamental right
unquestionable, enjoying a pre-eminent and
greater protection to freedom to work. However, in recent days we are witnessing a shameful and malicious campaign to discredit
unions from the political right and the media, with the intention
undermine the image of the CCOO and UGT and weaken the support he is receiving the call for general strike
29-S by the workers of this country. As clarified by the lawyer
Interfederal Cabinet, Enrique Lillo, "it is wrong to identify the right to work as the right to
not to strike. Moreover, who does not join the strike is not protected by the Constitution, although
say otherwise, knowing that a lie. "

To read the full article click copy and paste the following URL:


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